I have chosen to make a Chopper (Helicopter) for my little brother. I think this is a best choice for him because my little brother likes to play with toys. It will be used as a play toy, and it will stay in his room. For this project, I will have to make sure to make the wood is a bit thicker so my brother won't break it when he drops it.
So here are the steps
Step 1
For my first step, I used a pencil, ruler and a piece of wood to make a full size working drawing of my Chopper
Step 2
I used a ruler to copy the measurements from my drawing onto another piece of wood provided by our teacher, Mr Grundy
Step 3
I marked a square line (at 90) across and
Step 4
I cut off the first piece of wood using bench hook and a saw
Step 5
I then marked out the joints using a tri-saw and a pencil.
Step 6
I then used the bench hook and a saw to cut the piece of wood down to the joint.
Step 7
I Then used a Carving Chisel to carve a piece of wood off to make the joints
Hi Kupid this is a great choice. Did you finish the helicopter? Do you have a photo of it?